Anna is only 11 years old. She is a girl whom is full of love. At the age of five. | ① |
she began to learn how to play the violin. And she did good in it. | ② |
She wanted to help the poor kids in her town, so she decided raise some money. | ③ |
by playing the violin in the street. At first, only a few of people gave her mone. | ④ |
Three days late, she put a sign beside her, saying why she was doing. | ⑤ |
When people saw the sign, they were all moving and started to help her with the work. | ⑥ |
Anna also sold her favorite things to collect money. When her classmates got to know this, | ⑦ |
they all began to sell their old toys, clothes and books to collect money, either. | ⑧ |
Anna has raised money for two years, and now she's got more than 3000 dollar. | ⑨ |
says she will continue to do anything like this and help poor children. | ⑩ |