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pay     find     fly     say     rain

    Peoplekites for at least two thousand years. Kites are fun to fly, but did you know there are also practical reasons to fly them? Itthat, in 1750, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm to verify that lightning was electricity. The Wrights brothers tested many of their aviation theories by flying early airplane designs as kites. This allowed them to experiment different wing shapes and controls from the ground before their first flight in 1903.

    No matter why you fly kites,attention to the weather for good kite-flying conditions. The wind should be between 5 and 25 miles per hour. It should be neither too calm nor too strong. Don't fly a kite when it. It's betteran open space. Don't let your kite be eaten by a tree or bump into people, buildings or power lines.
