组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
   No family wants its home to catch fire, but it's good to plan for a fire just in case (以防万一). Talk with your family about1to do if a fire starts.2should have a plan for getting out of the house. Be sure to choose a safe place to 3 after everyone gets away from the fire.
   What should you do 4there is a fire?  First, 5 people know about the fire. Yell (叫喊) the word "fire". Knock on the walls with your hands.
   Then6 the door of your room. If the door is warm, don't open it. If it's cool, open it just enough to7 . If you see fire or much smoke, close the door fast.
   If you can't see fire or smoke, you can go out of the door. Shut the8 behind you. That will slow down the fire. Now find a9out. Stay away from the smoke. The air is the10 near the floor. So it 11 be the safest to crawl(爬)when you leave the house.
    If you can't leave your room,  close your door. Cover the crack (缝隙) under the door12  clothing. Then open the window or 13 the glass with a chair. Crawl out, of the window14.If the window is high off the ground, 15 jump! Wave a towel out of the window, and yell for help. When you get out of the house, run to the place where you and your family chose to meet.
