组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    John and his family have lived in Xiaozhou Village for many years. People there got along well 1each other. But something disturbing happened recently.

    An old man and his wife used to live on the second floor. John's father and the old man were 2 friends. Unfortunately, the old man 3 last month. His wife 4 not live alone, so she asked her grandson to live with her.

The grandson became a big problem to all the neighbors, especially to John's family. He is noisy and the walls of the building are 5 thin that every sound from a next-door neighbor can be heard. John often goes to bed at 10 o' clock 6 he has to get up early to catch the first bus, but the young man likes to watch football games late at midnight. Sometimes friends of his visit and 7 make a lot of noise.

    That drives John's family mad!

    John's mother had no choice but to tell the old woman about the problem 8.She felt very sorry and promised to make her grandson 9 quiet. From then on,the noise stopped.

    John's mother made some cookies to thank the old woman. "Thank you very much for asking your grandson not to watch football games at midnight, "she said. "Oh, I forgot 10him about that! "the old woman replied. "Maybe that's just because Portugal(葡萄牙)lost the game. His dream is to be a football star like Cristiano Ronaldo."
