组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Well, can you swim?

B. What club do you want to join?

C. You don't need to.

D. Which of these do you like best?

E. No, I can't.

F. Yes, I can.

G. Welcome to our club.

A: Excuse me, I want to join a club.


A: I don't know. What kind of clubs do you have?

B: Quite many: the art club, the music club, the chess club, the English club, the swimming club and the running club.

A: I've no idea.

B: Well, do you like to paint?

A: No, I don't.

B: Can you play chess?


B: Do you want to make some friends and talk with them in English?

A: I want to make more friends,but I don't want to speak English out of class.


A: No, I can't. I don't like water.

B: OK. You can join the running club.

A: Why? I'm not good at running.

B:  The running club is for people like you who do not want to join the other clubs.
