组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A hurricane (飓风) is a huge storm that grows over the ocean. It can grow large and powerful. There is no way to stop a hurricane, so if you ever find yourself in the path (路径)of a hurricane, be sure to follow the ways below.

    Make sure you have a radio, fresh drinking water and enough food.

    Tell neighbors, friends and family members your plans, and where you'll go.

    If you live in a car, leave your car soon and find a safe place. You could stay in a hotel.

    Keep listening to the radio and if local governments (政府)tell you to leave, do it soon.

    Stay inside during the hurricane. You could be badly hurt if you go outside.

    If you're a child, you should take a bag of toys and books to keep you busy.

    But what about your pets? You should always keep them indoors during a hurricane. If you have to leave your home, remember that pets not allowed in hotels. If you leave a pet behind, be sure you leave much food and water for it. Also, be sure they are wearing something with your family's name and phone number on it.
