组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Come and share your story!

    I am Cindy White. I give more than fifty talks to schools in my country, the USA, every year. This is my first talk at a school in China. I know the life in middle school isn't always perfect. I had all kinds of problems at your age. The biggest one was that I didn't know how to get on well with my classmate Marie from Canada. We liked being with each other, but we often had different opinions (观点). Do you know how we solved the problems and became best friends? Do you have such problems? If your answer is "YES", come to listen to my talk. I'd be glad to share my stories with you and help you enjoy your middle school life better. I'd like to listen to your story and be your friend!

    Time: 3:30 pm — 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 3rd.

    Place: Room No. 204 in the Classroom Building

    Attention (注意事项):

    ①Don't be late. Please get to Room No. 204 at least ten minutes earlier.

    ②Don't eat during the talk.

    ③Prepare a pen and a notebook (笔记本).

    Come to listen to my talk and tell your problems. By the way, there will be a gift for you if you answer my questions or share your story with the other students and me.
