组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Knowing the eye contact

◆If a person doesn't want to contact, there may be something he doesn't want you to know.

◆People who are looking for a piece of memory often look up. People who make up (编造) something often look down.

Knowing the looks on their faces

◆A person with a true smile smiles with his or her mouth and eyes.

◆A person with an untrue smile does not smile with the eyes.

Knowing body language about hands and feet

◆Hands in pockets may mean the person is keeping distance.

◆Feet pointing towards the door of the house may mean the person really wants to leave.

Using body language to help you

If you want someone to like you, do as the following:

◆Keep eye contact to show you are interested (But don't look at someone for too long!).

◆Do the similar action, postures and gestures as the other person. This will make him more re­laxed.

Other body language

◆If the other person's voice goes up or down, he or she is most likely interested.

◆A bored person looks everywhere, looks at the time often and does the same action such as drumming the table with finger.
