组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Two weeks ago, an accident happened near our school. A man (lose) control of his car and hurt a seven-year-old girl. The (teach) were very worried, so they sent her to nearest hospital right away.

    Her father then went to the hospital and stayed with her. Her mother couldn't go to the hospital she needed to look after her little son. It made her worried, so she asked the voluntary organization some help. As a volunteer, after I learned about her problem, I offered (help) her. I took care of her son for a few days. Although it was difficult for me to do it, I tried (I) best. I always hugged (拥抱) the boy to make him feel better.

    (luck), the girl's surgery (手术) was successful. Some days later, she came back home. I was happy that the mom trusted (信任) me to be with her son and that I was able to help her.

    If everyone spends a little more time (give) a helping hand to others in need, the world will be much (beauty) in the future.
