组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Mrs White likes1. She seems short and thin, but she is stronger than any one of her workmates.2husband likes drinking and spends much money on it. She has to work hard to buy enough food for her3.

    Her thirtieth birthday is coming. Her4has little money to buy an(a)5present for her. He has to buy a cheap necklace(项链) and gives it6her .

    This evening, after the Whites have supper, Mrs White goes to the7to buy some bread for the next breakfast. At a street corner a young man rushes out and8to rob(抢劫) her9her necklace. She catches him to stop him doing that. The young man has to10as quickly as he can. Several minutes later a11comes and says, "Could you tell12character(特征) the young man has, madam? We'll try our best to13him."

    "14, sir," says Mrs White. "He robbed me of my necklace but I robbed him of his. Mine is made of glass but 15 is made of gold."
