组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


        How did you spend your summer holiday last month? I'd like to tell you what happened to me during my holiday.

        My parents planned a relaxing trip. We didn't need to worry about our work and studies. On the first day, before we started out for Shanghai, we saw on TV that the traffic was heavy. So we decided not to drive our car but to take the bullet train (高速列车) to get there. It was my first time to ride on the bullet train.

        On the way, an American girl sat next to me and I talked to her. She told me that she came here for a short stay — her father came to China on business. In one year he would go back to his company in the US.

        “How are you getting along here?” I asked. 

        “Pretty well. I enjoy the life here and the people are friendly,” she said.

        With new friends around, she still missed (想念) her friends in the US very much. “It doesn't matter. We could always write letters, send emails or make phone­calls to each other,” she said with a sweet smile.

        I really envied (羡慕) her for her chance to go through life in different cultures.
