组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

       Do you really care about your parents? H this question , most of us may give a quick answer "Of course, I do. ” But maybe we don't.

      It is true that all parents remember clearly when to c their children's birthdays. However, it is a pity that few children know exactly when their parents' birthdays are. Most parents can easily ntheir children's favorite food, but not many students know w  their parents like to eat.

     Sometimes we can hear parents cthat their children don't talk with them as often as b. Children are growing and the generation gap(代沟)is widening. If you love your parents well, let them fyour love. Give them a birthday gift on their sday. Help them do the housework as often as possible. Bear in mind what your parents like or dislike. Don't always say things ayour parents. Talk with them more often and uthem more.
