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         He is a famous scientist. But he calls h a farmer. He is worth billions of (数十亿) yuan. But he lives a simple l.

For 77-year-old Yuan Longping, money is a burden (负担). His d is to produce (生产) enough rice for everyone.

     “China's father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻)” was born in Beijing. He wasn't a great s at school. But he liked to get answers.

        In the 1960s China had a h time. People didn't have enough food to eat. Yuan wanted to g a new kind of rice to help.

F people believed Yuan could do it. Yuan was just a teacher. But he spent ten years working in the field and won the world over. His special rice h feed 100 million more Chinese.

        Money and honor (荣誉) came to him. But they mean n to Yuan. Now he is working on another kind of “super rice”. His hopes it will feed even more people.

        He r 8 kilometers on his motorbike into the fields twice a day. He still works like a farmer.
