组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Polly: Dad, I want to get a job.

Father :  

Polly: I need money. When I go out with my friends, I never have enough money.

Father: Polly, you know most families here are richer than we are.

Polly:  Then, I won't have to ask you for money.

Father: You have a lot of homework everyday. How can you work and study at the same time?


Father: I have an idea. Once a week, you can come to my shop and help out a bit. You can clean the floors and the windows-that sort of thing. I'll pay you for each hour you work. How does that sound?

Polly:  But I don't want to clean any toilets(卫生间).

Father:  It's a deal.

A. Yes, I can. I know I can.

B. A job? Why?

C. All right, no toilets.

D. I'm sorry to hear that.

E. That's why I want to work.

F. OK, good idea.
