组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    We all know a healthy lifestyle (生活方式) is important for us. Here are three students' lifestyles. Whose lifestyle do you think is the healthiest (最健康的)?

Peter is very fat because he always eats a lot(许多). Every day, . For dinner, he usually has three hamburgers and some ice-cream. He doesn't likes doing exercise. He does exercise less than two hours a week. That's why he is so fat.

    Kate doesn't eat too much food every day. Her breakfast is only an egg and . She usually has some vegetables and milk for dinner. She doesn't eat meat because .

    Su Jun, a Chinese boy, has an another name — Early. He gets up early every morning and then . He also enjoys swimming and goes to the Swimming Club three to five times a week. He looks strong and healthy. He likes to eat noodles or dumplings with some vegetables for lunch. He often eats salad but .

    Now, what's your answer?


A. she eats noodles or some rice for lunch

B. she thinks it is bad for her health

C. he runs for an hour

D. he has a nice breakfast and lunch

E. he doesn't eat hamburgers
