组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


    I'm a student with different interests. I play football for Whitburn AFC at under 19 level, where I play as a right midfielder(中锋) which I enjoy very much. I like talking with many different kinds of friends. The cinema is a place where I go as often I can, as I am a huge movie lover. I like both action and other types of films.

    The thing I would say I do the most is listening to music. I like mainly rock music. However, my CD collection includes a wide selection(精选物) of music. With my interest in music I go to see my favourite bands when they come on tour.

    The Internet and computers are something I usually do with when I'm free, but I would not say it's my main interest in life. Traveling to many different countries is a great experience. I have been to Spain, Belgium, Holland, France and even England. I went to a little town in Spain last year just outside Barcelona. Anybody there hardly speaks English, however, I found that I can communicate with these people who speak a different language from me and I am still able to understand. Meeting people from abroad is very interesting.

    Do you like making friends with me?
