组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Mr. Read works in a big shop. He's very 1 and always gets to the office on time. The 2 is satisfied with (对……满意) him and pays him more. One evening he was very tired, and as soon as he had 3, he put his watch on the table and went to bed. Little Mable, one of his daughters, came in and 4 something there. She dropped the watch to the floor. She picked it up and 5quickly. The next morning he got up on time. After breakfast he had a look at his watch and began to 6 newspapers. When he got to his office, it was half past eight. He was 7 for the first time! At that moment he found something was wrong with his watch. He had to ask someone to 8 it.     This morning Mr. Read was going to take a train to London. But he 9  it because his watch was slow again. He was very surprised and said, "It was all right yesterday, but why is it 10 now?"     "Last night I found it was dirty," said Little Mable. "I had to wash it for you!"
