组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A village in Thailand has a very special holiday. Each year, on the last weekend of November, people have a big dinner for the monkeys in their village. The monkeys of this village live together with people. But they are always a problem because they like to take away food from people. So the villagers decide to have a very special big dinner for the monkeys. The big dinner has bananas, apples and other delicious fruit and vegetables. In all, people give more than 2,000 kilograms of food to about 1, 000 monkeys living in the village.

    The monkey festival started in 1989. It is good for the village because thousands of visitors from all over the world come every year to see the monkeys playing and eating. There are also music and dances with young people whodress up like monkeys. You can see monkeys anywhere you go. But you may be scared-they may climb on you at any time and take away the food or things in your hands.

    The festival is also way for people to thank the monkeys for the money they bring to the village.
