组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Take time to care for yourself.ChooseMyPlate.govhelps you choose the kinds and amounts of food and drinks you need. And, make time to be physically active, so you can do the things you want to do.

Find out what you need.

    Get personalized nutrition(营养) information based on your age, height, weight, and physical activity level.SuperTrackerprovides your calorie(卡路里) , shows foods and beverages you need, and tracks progress toward your goals. Learn more atwww. SuperTracker.usda.gov.

    Use a smaller plate at meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat. Enjoy smaller amounts of food.

    Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes. Choose red, orange, or dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for meals.

    Sip water or other drinks with few or no calories to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a water bottle in your bag or at your desk to satisfy your thirst throughout the day.

    Set a goal to fit in at least 2.5 hours of physical activity in your week. Being active 10 minutes at a time also adds to your weekly total. Ask your friends or family to keep you company as you bike, jog, walk, or dance.

    Try out healthier recipes that use less fat, salt, and sugar. Eat at home more often to control your eating. If you eat out, check and compare nutrition information. Choose healthier options such as baked chicken instead of fried chicken.

A. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

B. Enjoy your food but eat less.

C. Be active whenever you can.

D. Cut some food up.

E. Be a better cook.

F. Drink water.
