组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

During the summer holiday when I was 14 years old, I got my first job.

At first, I (更喜欢) to stay at home, but my mother asked me to work in her Nursing Home. I was very nervous, because I didn't know (是否)I could do it well or not. My mother said I just needed to (复制) what other workers there did.

Luckily, I learned quickly. In the morning, I helped the people sweep the floor and clean the (架子) in rooms. After dinner, I helped some old people go out of the room and sit in the garden. Some of them were too (虛弱的) to walk themselves.

I could (几乎不) believe that I finished all my work well and the people there liked me a lot. For me, (对待) the people with kindness made me feel proud of myself. After working there for a month, I got paid. But making money wasn't the main (目的) of my working there. I was happy to learn to look after others and help them.

From then on, I decided to be a doctor. (两者都) my parents thought I made a good decision. Now I've (已经) become a doctor and I'm ready to help more people.
