组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A new law in New York allows people to bring their dogs to restaurants. Some people think eating with dogs is great. They argue that it's good for dogs. They say owners don't have to leave their pets home alone or in cars while they eat out. But some people are worried about eating next to dogs. They say dog hair can create unclean conditions. Also, dogs can annoy (烦扰) customers by barking (吠叫) or making a mess. Should dogs be allowed in restaurants? Here is what two students think.

    YES! As long as dogs are well-behaved (很乖的) and clean, there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed in restaurants with their owners. When restaurants allow dogs, people can spend more time with their pets. That will make them both happier. If someone doesn't want to eat near dogs, he or she can eat in the private rooms of the restaurant. Or they can go to a restaurant that doesn't allow dogs.

Victoria Gonzalez, North Carolina

    NO! Dogs shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. They can cause health problems. Some people are allergic (过敏的) to dogs, so being around dogs could be dangerous for them. Also, some dogs could annoy customers by jumping on them or stealing their food. Some dogs might even hurt customers. If that happens, restaurants may end up losing customers and money.

    Josh Cramer, Wisconsin
