组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    "If I could relive my teenage years, I would work much harder at school and not play around so much," said Tom, who works1a waiter now.

    "I grew up in a time when life was much2, much easier. There was no need to be present at all classes or at school so I was often3, going fishing or just staying at home listening to music. I4had much interest in studying and I didn't admire those schoolmates who went to university," Tom reflected. "It wasn't that I was lazy; I just liked to5my time enjoying my life and studying stopped me from doing that."

    Tom continued, "By the time I was thirty, some of my6had already become managers and family men. I wasn't married and I changed7every six months. I had no money, no house, no steady(稳定的)job, and no dream really."

    "It wasn't until I was nearly 40 that I8that I couldn't continue in the way I was going. I thought about going back to school and getting a degree, 9such a wish wasn't as easy as it turned out. Although I wanted to study, my heart wasn't really into studying and so in the end I10. "
