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阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词, 使短文意思完整、行文连贯。

    Do you know "APEC blue"? It is a popular word nowadays. People use to describe the blue sky during the APEC meetings.  To make the sky [ˈkliːnə(r)], people did a lot. These years, air pollution is so heavy in Beijing that people(hard) ever see blue skies in such a smog season. After the event, people are wondering how to keep the APEC bluethe future. Experts (专家) give some(suggestion).

    First, they believe the environment will be certainly in great     [ˈdeɪndʒə(r)] unless everyone plays part in saving the earth. I don't think it has nothing to do with you. And what[els] should we do? Try to walk more and use cars(little)!

    Finally, make sure factories stop(pollute) the air. If we can do these things, the sky will become APEC blue. And we can see APEC blue every day!
