组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

     The first week of my summer vacation was exciting. I was (自由的, 空闲的)!I spent much time on my phone without doing my(家庭作业). Mom was angry and told me I could only use it (在·…之间)7:00 pm. and 9:00 pm.

     I felt lost and kept asking (我自己)what fun I could have during the day. Mom offered me a challenge. If I could follow the same ant for (十) minutes, I'd get a prize.

     I thought for a while and agreed. I (选择)the biggest ant in the yard and followed it. I saw it create a bridge to cross a (深的)hole. I dropped some bread and soon it began (吃). It even brought friends to carry some home. I never thought watching ants could be so much fun.

     After that, I found other interesting things to do. I built a house for birds, planted (树)in the yard and borrowed books from the library. (虽然) I didn't use my phone often, I had a fantastic summer.
