组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

     Beth Jones was only eight years old when she first tried playing the drums. This was during a lunchtime music club at school, which she only went to because it was snowing  (heavy). Of all the musical instruments, the drums were  (interesting) to Beth. She thought it was cool that there were many different shapes and sizes of drums, and she wanted to hit (they), to see what they sounded like.

     Now, Beth is thirteen and gives concerts around the country. She also has her own YouTube channel and  (get) over a million hit a year. What's amazing is that Beth hasn't ever been to  drum lesson. "You can learn anything on the Internet, so I've never felt it was important for me to take classes, "explains Beth.

     Giving concerts wasn't easy for Beth in the beginning because usually she only played drums alone in her bedroom when she came home  school. At her first concert, she played in a band with many  (adult). She could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at her, that made her feel afraid.

     So, does Beth enjoy (be) famous now? "I didn't plan to be famous," she says. "All I want is to show others what I love. I don't think I'm someone special. I just want everyone (have) a great time at my concerts.
