组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Scientists are not alone in the fight against the virus, as new technologies are giving them a hand. They help scientists find treatments (疗法) for the virus, as well as control the infection (传染).

    Big data(数据)

    Our smartphones send data to telecom companies around the clock, telling these companies where we have been. Chinese telecom companies are supplyinglocal governments with this data. By tracking(追踪) how many people are coming and going out of Wuhan, telecom companies can send warnings to areas that are being visited by large numbers of people from Wuhan.


    Drones have played an important role in disinfection (消毒) and preventing cross infection in crowded places like hospitals, railway stations and airports. Police officers use drones to give warnings. For example, if people gather in large groups or do not wear masks, drones will warn these people.


    Robots are good helpers. They are used at hospitals to offer medical advice, send drugs or meals, act like guides, perform disinfection and take patients' temperatures. This not only greatly reduces the work for medical workers, but also reduces(减少) the risk of cross-infection. Robots have also been used in public places like train stations and airports to check temperatures.


    Supercomputers analyze (分析) the genetic data (基因数据) of the virus and help scientists learn more about the virus in order to make vaccines (疫苗). Chinese companies like Ten cent have opened up their supercomputers to scientists, helping them find treatments for the virus.
