组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Once, two hungry mice came into a dairy (乳品店). As they were looking for something to eat, they fill into a large jar(坛子) full of milk. They did not know how to swim. Soon they started

drowning (淹没).

    Both of them tried their best to stay above the milk. One of the mice said, "Friend, I think we are going to die(死). No one can help us now. I wish God(上帝) would send someone to help us!""

    The other mouse said, "Do not be afraid, my friend. We must not lose heart. We must keep trying."

    But a few minutes later, the first mouse gave up (放弃) hope. He did not try so he drowned. The other mouse saw his friend drowning in the milk and felt very sorry.

    He kept moving his legs to try to keep afloat(漂浮). With great effort, the mouse climbed out In the end, he came to know that God helps those who help themselves(他们自己).
