组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Susan is a Chinese girl. She lives in Beijing with her parents. It's eight o'clock in the morning. The1is sunny. But it's still very cold. Susan is2English in her room. She learns English for an hour every day. She wants to learn it well so she studies very3. Susan's father is reading a newspaper.4father usually reads newspapers in the morning. Where is Susan's mother? She is5breakfast for them in the kitchen. She prepares (准备) some hot milk. She thinks hot milk can make them6in winter.

    What is Susan's friend Tony doing now? Tony is not Chinese, He comes from another (另一个)7. America. It's in the evening in America now. The weather is8. It rains a lot this week. Tony is9at the table with his family. They are having dinner. Tony eats much chicken and some carrots. He also drinks some orange10

    Do you have friends from other countries? Do you know what they are doing now?
