组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Nature is all around us. It is the sky, the ground, the forest, the mountains, and the deserts. It is lakes, rivers, seas, plants, and animals. Usually, we say nature is anything that is natural, that is, anything not made by people. Even though it is easier to find nature away from cities, it is possible to find natural places in cities. These natural places have important benefits (好处) for people living in the city.

Nature away from cities or in cities is Important for a number of reasons. Plants clean the air and help take people's minds off busy city life. Along with all of these good things, scientists have found other benefits of nature. They have found that nature helps children feel better and study better in school.

One study involving (涉及) children in the United States has found that children who have many trees and plants near their houses feel happier than those who do not. Another study has found that children who often see and touch nature do better on tests in school. Other studies have shown that children who play in nature are more kind than other students and are not sick as much.

                 Maybe part of them comes from meeting other children. When a home has a lot of natural places around it (like yards or parks), children go to such places to play. While playing, they meet other children and often become friends. This might explain why children who live near nature are happier and tore kind Scientists have also found that children who have the chance to play and relax are able to study better. This would explain how nature helps children do better on tests in school.
