组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Hello! My name is Anna Green. Green is my1name. I am an English girl. I am in PEP Middle School, Beijing, China now. Here are2schoolbags. I found these schoolbags in the school library this morning. They are green, black, blue and yellow. Linda is my3. She is my aunt's daughter. Green is her favorite4. I think (认为) the green one is hers. I can see some English5in the black one. I think it is my good friend Jack's. Jack likes English. And6school ID card is in it, too. I can see his photo in the school ID card. What about the blue one? Oh, it's Gina's. Her7is in it. I see Gina and her parents in the photo. And the ruler in the schoolbag is8, too. A computer game, two baseballs and a watch are in the yellow one. The computer game is white, the9are green and the watch is purple. Is the schoolbag yours? Please10me at 258-3698. You can e mail me at anna3698@126.com, too.
