组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My cousin Tom likes candy (糖果) very much. He always asks for candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My aunt doesn't want him to have so much candy. She thinks it's not healthy.

    It's Tom's fifth birthday. His parents buy him some food, fruit and some interesting things. But they don't buy candy for him. Tom isn't happy. "I want to have some candy. Mom." Tom says. "I'm really sorry. We don't have candy." my aunt says. "And I think it isn't good for you." "I like candy. I want some." Tom says. "My friend Tony always has candy. But he is healthy." "OK, you can have some. But you can't have it today." "When can I have it?" "Your uncle's wedding (婚礼) is on May 1st. You can have some then." "OK." Tom is very happy and asks, "Mom, when is your wedding?"
