组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My name is Jenny. I am1English girl. I am twelve. I2a cousin. Her3is Sally. She is my aunt and uncle's4. Sally is a nice girl and she is five. Her favorite5is green. Her jacket, her schoolbag and cup are6, too. My aunt, my uncle and I like her.

    My aunt buys (买) two7for Sally and me: A white one for me and a green one for her. This morning,Sally and I are8my room, "Sally, my jacket is9the sofa. Please give (给) it to me," I say.

    "It's not10T-shirt. It's mine," She says.

    "Oh? Your jacket is green and11is white. The jacket is12. It's mine, not yours!" I say.

    "Are you my sister?" She13. "Yes. I am your14Jenny." "You are 'my' sister, so (因此) your jacket is mine,15." "OK. Please give 'your' sister 'your' white jacket." "OK. Here you are!"
