组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    The winter vacation is coming. 1 are you going to do during the vacation? Let's see Liu Fei's plans. First, Liu Fei is going to 2 at least two books. Reading is one of her favorite 3. She wants to be a writer when she grows up. 4 she will read as many books as she can. If she has time, she will 5 writing some stories. Next, she is going to learn to play the 6. Liu Fei says, "I'm not going to become a violinist. I just want to 7 a new hobby." Finally, she is going to be a volunteer (志愿者) at the community center. She will 8 kids with their schoolwork. Helping others can make her 9. And she can 10  improve her studies. What are your vacation plans?
