组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

grow   they   physical   send   week   piano   hobby   resolution   drive   team   improve   foreign

    I am Linda. I am going to talk about our  for the coming New Year. Susan is going to study another  language. She may learn Chinese because she likes Chinese culture very much. Lucy's resolution is about  health. So she is going to exercise three or four times  to keep healthy. Jack likes playing soccer very much. He is going to make the soccer . His dream is to be a great soccer star when he  up. Tom wants to be a  in the future (将来). So he is going to practice more to  his skill. I'm going to take up a new . I want to write articles and  them to magazines and newspapers. Maybe I can be a reporter in the future. We know it's hard to make our resolutions come true, but we are going to try our best.
