组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


Would you like to get fit and make new friends?

Join our running groups for beginners and for more experienced runners. It's fun and there are no competitions. It costs £3 to be a member.

7 p.m. every Wednesday.

Call Mike for details (细节) at 077—658945.

Join us and WIN a new camera!

The Barton Photography (摄影) Club welcomes new members. We are a busy club with famous teachers. Join before 1st March and enter our summer photography competition. First prize is a new XP8ii camera! You need to pay £15 to join the club.

Visit www.bartonphotoclub.com to join.

Theatre Group

Have fun with a local theatre group. We are looking for actors to be in a musical comedy this summer. You must be available twice a week starting 2nd April. Passion (热情) is more important than talent! Join us for free.

Write to Mandy Giles on mandy76@dmail.com.
