组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

angry    true    she    no longer    reason    unnecessary


    I've been friends with a girl for a long time, but we started having problems last year. Theis that she hates my roommate. She thinks that I consider my roommate a better friend than her. We used to stay in her room all the time but now she locks me out instead. 1 talked to her yesterday. She said Itreated her as a friend. But everyone can see that she is causing problems. I'm sowith her.


    To me, it sounds like your friend is afraid of losing you. Maybe theabout the matter is that she feels your roommate is taking you away from her. Maybe you should talk to your friend about it. It'sto tell her that she's still a good friend to you. Tell her that you're there for her in the same way she is there for you but you do need space, and that you need other friends just like she has hers.
