组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

live    develop    instead of    recycle    though    move

    With the of the economy and the growth of the population, the environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. As protecting the environment has become a hot topic all over the world. my husband and I decide to make a change. We want to have a comfortable life and protect the environment at the same time.

    In fact, we always tried our best a green life. We tried not to waste energy. and tried to do However, living in a big city seemed to be too expensive and there was too much pollution. We decided to move to the countryside. buying a new house, we bought an old one. The house was lovely and we could change it as we like.

    We tried to turn it into an eco 一 friendly (不妨害生态环境的) home that we had always wanted to have. The floor and the furniture were all made from eco-friendly materials. The lights in the house were changed into new kinds of lights which could save energy. The windows were very large so that the sunlight could get into the house easily.

    We are now living in cur new eco 一 friendly house in the countryside. it takes use Jot of time to change the house, we are quite happy with the result. And the most important thing is that we are not only living in our dream house. but also protecting the environment.
