组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    What would you give up to protect the environment? Many people have given up animal products of all kinds. They are practicing a lifestyle called veganism (纯素主义). Some people choose to become vegan (素食主义者) because they are upset about the way humans treat animals.

    For many people, veganism simply means eating no meat, cheese or eggs. But the idea of saving animals also appears in the fashion and manufacturing industries (制造业).

    For example, leather (皮革) is used in many products, such as shoes and clothes. Every year more than a billion animals, listing from horses to snakes, are killed so that we can use their skin to make leather products. Now, many brands are looking for other ways to make their products.

    The sports brand Puma, for example, has made shoes out of pineapple (菠萝) leaves. Tesla, the American car-maker, is reported to have stopped using leather to make its seats.

    Veganism is growing in popularity. In 2017, the BBC said it was the fastest-growing lifestyle movement in the United Kingdom. At the same time, some news reported that a quarter of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are vegans. No wonder the map7ine named 2019 "the year of the vegan".

    So, if you're interested in protecting animals and saving the environment, you might want to give veganism a try. But somebody asks: "Is veganism healthy?" Some people worry that eating no treat at all is not good for our health. It's your personal choice to be a vegan or tot. Just make sure to keep healthy as well.
