组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Welcome to our chess club! We have many fun chess games for you and we hope you will enjoy yourself here. Now you're a member of the club, and we hope you will follow our rules. Here are some important ones.

    You need to have a notebook because you need to write down all the chess games that you'll take part in.

    We have chess games every week and you need to take part in them. If you can't take part in any of them, you should tell us earlier. If you don't tell us, we'll feel hard toarrangethe games well.

    You must treat other members politely. We will also have chess competitions with students from other schools. You'll compete with them in different competitions. You should be polite to them as well.

    You should take good care of all theequipment(器材) in the club. If you lose or break any equipment, you must pay for a new one.

    Here comes the most important rule: pay attention to your behavior. When you are playing chess games in the campus (校园), you should pay attention to your behavior. We don't want our members to develop areputation(名声) of behaving badly. If you break this rule, we won't allow you to take part in any of our games any more.
