组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Huang Yuxiang is a young musician from Taiwan, China. Yuxiang is blind(瞎的),but he tried his best to become an excellent pianist. He became well- known after he starred(担任主演) in a film called Touch of the Light. The film tells the story of his life.

    Yuxiang found music when he was only two years old. He heard his cousin playing a children's song on the piano. Yuxiang sat at the piano and copied the melody. He started to have music lessons a year after that. Today he plays in piano concerts, and he is a member of the group Baba Band.

    Yuxiang doesn't just perform. He also writes music for Chinese films and for fun. For Yuxiang, music isn't only about making money. It is one of the most important parts of his life.
