组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Giant pandas are beautiful black- and- white animals. They look like1.They mainly live in China. They are very2and peaceful. They like eating3. They seldom eat meat. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time4their mum's milk more than fourteen hours a day! Mother giant 0-pandas have only one5two babies at a time. There are no more than 2,000 giant pandas in the world now. Sadly it's very6for giant pandas to stay alive(活着的) in the wild. Their number is getting7because their living places are becoming farmlands. If farmers keep taking up the land, giant pandas won't have anywhere to live. A Also, people kill them8their fur(毛皮). If this goes on, then there will be no giant pandas in the world. So, what action(行动) can we take? We should9letters to newspapers and magazines about giant pandas in China. We should tell them about the problems for giant pandas. If more people know about these. problems, then maybe they will do something10.
