组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Amanda is American filmmaker and actress. She came to China three years ago (study) Performance at Beijing Film Academy. Last month. she moved to Japan to study Economics at the University of Tokyo. On June 10th, she returned to the USA. She chatted with her parents about the cultural differences the two countries.

    "The people in both countries are very friendly foreigners. But they have different (culture). For example, when I spoke Chinese in China, the people there always showed surprise on their faces. But when I came to Japan, I found it was opposite. Most local people there hoped I could talk with them in Japanese, I was not good at it," she said.

    Amanda (think) this might have something to do with the fact that the Western group In Japan is (old) than the one in China. They have stayed in Japan for a long time. And most of them speak Japanese (good). But Westerners in China are still quite a new group They're usually (treat) as guests and tourists.
