The Blacksmith (铁匠) I am a blacksmith. I am important because I make everything that is needed such as shoes for horses and other animals. I can also be considered a dentist, because I pull the tooth out if someone's tooth hurts.
The miller (磨坊主) My neighbour is a miller. The mill that he owns and runs is extremely important. The mill is part of the reason why we live here. The miller grinds (磨) grain for farmers. Instead of getting money from the farmers, the miller takes a percentage of the grain for a payment.
The cobbler (补鞋匠) The cobbler makes my shoes. He is a very busy man because we walk a lot. The cobbler fixes old shoes and makes new ones. It's very expensive to get a new pair of shoes, so I make sure my shoes are weli-worn before getting a new pair or getting them fixed! The shoes aren't very beautiful. In fact, the cobbler uses the same pattern (模式) for every shoe, and it makes no difference whether it's left or right! Each shoe is exactly the same.
The Town Crier (公告传报员) The town crier is how we get our news in the town. He travels from town to town ringing a bell to get everyone's attention. When he tells the news, he doesn't give much detail, just words like: "War began today."