组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Prince John caught Maid Marian and set a trap(陷阱) for Robin Hood.

Prince John asked the maid where 1 was hiding. But the maid refused (拒绝)to tell him and believed Robin Hood would come and 2  her. After hearing this, Prince John felt very—3 and he believed he would catch Robin Hood soon because there was no4 Robin Hood could get past the guards.

5 Robin Hood walked into Prince Johns castle some time later. Prince Johns first guard took Robin Hoods arms from behind and the 6 guard tried to hit him. Robin Hood ducked (躲避) 7 the second guard hit the first guard in the head. The two guards then started fighting. What 8 guards! Robin Hood pulled out a sword and killed the prince. The maid 9  Robin Hood for saving her.

Finally, the castle and all the gold belonged to 10  people. The poor lived a happy life.
