组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    American football started in the United States back in 1869 and is one of (popular) sports in the US today. According to a survey in 2017, football  (stay) at the number one sport since 1985.

    In the game, there are two teams trying to get the ball, and they can either kick the ball through the goalposts(球门柱)  run the ball into the goal. Players must wear football helmets(头盔) to protect  (them). There are a lot of  (rule), which can be very hard to follow  you don't know them. The team that has more scores is the (win).

    Football in the United States is not just a sport because it plays  important part in American culture. On Thanksgiving, families will get together, eat and give thanks, but it's also known  a day to watch football. At that time, professional football teams bring the whole nation together every year for the Super Bowl. Everyone can't wait  (enjoy) the exciting moment!
