组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you like adventures? This is an adventure story of Dodomo and his dog friend, Charlie IX.

Dodomo is a 13-year-old boy. He is interested in strange things He hopes to be a detective (侦探) some day.

One day, his grandpa gave him a gif. It is a dog. His name is Charlie IX. Dodomo loves dogs.

However, he doesn't like Charlie IX. Because Charlie IX is so weird!

The dog picks his own clothes. He only drinks milk and eats egg tart (蛋挞). And he even has bubble baths and watches TV! That can't be a normal dog!

Dodomo told his mom about it. But she didn't believe him at all. Dodomo decided to find the reason alone." I'm a detective!" he said to himself

But more and more weird things kept happening! Dodomo found a diary in his room. It was very old. Dodomo threw it away several times, but the diary always came back by itself! Dodomo was so scared(害怕的). At that time, Charlie IX started to talk! He said he was a noble(贵族的) dog and he was here to help Dodomo finish his adventure. The diary was from Dodomo's grandpa. It was the guide to their adventure.

What's in the book? What kind of adventures will they go on? The answers are all in the book Charlie Ix & Dodomo.
