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Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientific thinkers of all time. He was born on March 14th,1879 in (German). Since he was born, he was an extraordinary(非凡的) person. Einstein was not able to speak he was three. He was curious and imaginative. He loved watching things (careful) and asked a lot of questions about them. is indeed hard for his teachers to answer those questions.

Einstein started school in 1885. Though he worked hard, he still failed in some (subject) like history, geography and languages. He wasn't the teachers' favorite. Einstein finished high school in Switzerland and (enter) a university in Zurich. He graduated as a teacher of math and physics in l900.

After graduation, Einstein worked at the Patent Office. He spent as much time as he can (study) physics. By 1909, Einstein had become top scientist. He became successful in the field of science but he still put great effort in scientific research. In 192I, he won the Nobel Prize physics. Einstein kept at his research until he died in 1955.

People thought Einstein was (smart) man in the world. Scientists studied his brain after his death to see if there was anything special about it. However, there was no conclusion.
