组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

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What do you do with your old shoes? Do you throw them away? Most shoes may end up in a landfill (废弃物填埋场). In fact, shoes are very hard to recycle. Now German shoemaker Adidas has already new shoes that you can break down at home. The new shoes use man—made spider silk  Biosteel (生物钢). To destroy the shoes, put them in water and add a special kind of enzyme (酶). The shoes will decompose (分解) with in 36.

Some customers said that they were a littleabout the quality of the shoes. A girl said, "I wonder weather the shoes will decompose or not when they are in water. What if we wear on rainy days?"

"This process is 100% natural." an Adidas spokesperson said. "The shoes will not break down when they  only in water. They won't decompose the special kind of enzyme. The shoes have good quality. Don't worry about their quality."

The company will put the new shoes on the market by next year. Some young people are  forward to the new shoes. They wait to buy and put them on.
