组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Yesterday was Mary and Joe's 23rd wedding anniversary(结婚纪念日). They went to Green Restaurant for dinner. The restaurant is a very  /'speʃl/ place for them because they went there on their first date(约会).

    Mary and Joe  (wear) beautiful clothes and sat at a  /'kwaɪət/ table in the corner. They had some water  then they ate dinner. They wanted fish, a potato salad(土豆沙拉), some  (bread) and spaghetti(意大利面条). They were their favorite food. Then they  (order) two glasses of juice. They talked  (happy) and enjoyed their dinner a lot. The potato salad was great, the spaghetti was  /dɪ'lɪʃəs/ and the juice was sweet. After dinner, Joe gave  gift to Mary.

    Mary and Joe had a  time there. They hoped to go there the next year.
