组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Many schools across the country have shut their doors due to the coronavirus outbreak. This puts teachers and students in new situation. They are turning to online learning. For some students, this is a new experience. Here are a few helpful tips.

    ⒈Find a quiet place

    Getting ready for a video lesson? Your first step is finding a quiet place to set up. Choose a place where nobody or nothing will take your attention away.

⒉Set goal (目标) for yourself

Before class starts, set a goal for yourself. A goal gets your mind ready to learn. It gives you an extra purpose in class. It can even help you focus on what your teacher is saying.

    ⒊Check: Are you muted?

    Before the lesson starts,muteyourself! Background noises may not sound loud on your side. But even tiny sounds can be louder through speakers!

    ⒋Practice active listening

    Here are ways to practice active listening: Keep your eyes on the screen, ________ looking around the room. Nod, smile and react to what you're hearing.

    ⒌Follow your teacher's instructions

Usually your teacher can see you raise your hand. That's not so easy on a video classroom. So be sure to follow instructions.Your teacher will let you know how to show that you want to ask or answer a question.

⒍Keep calm and troubleshoot

Has something gone wrong during? Screen froze? Bumped (被挤出) from the class? App crashed? Don't be nervous! Problems like this will happen.It is not the end of the world.Try logging (登录) back on, check your WiFi or restart your computer if you need to. If all else fails, keep calm-and try logging on again!
